International Meetings
Green Hope Foundation
There is an urgent need for building back better in forest dependent communities, especially in developing nations, where they are suffering from the impacts of climate change, land degradation, biodiversity loss and overexploitation of natural resources. The impact on young people and women in these communities is more severe. The pandemic has further exacerbated these inequalities and the road to building back better must focus on building resilience in these communities and stakeholders. We must adopt nature based solutions that take into account local challenges to facilitate the creation of local circular bio-economies, thereby catalyzing the levers of change in the form of human rights and empowering women and youth.
Guruji Mr. Murugan Chillayah
Mr. Chandramohan Paulraj
Mr. Ramar Ponnuchamy
Ms. Sri Visahlahkshi
Mr. Nagaraj
Founder-President, Green Hope Foundation
Former President of the United Nations General Assembly; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs & of Defense, Ecuador
Secretary-General, Global Alliance for a Sustainable Planet
Lead Technical Specialist – Gender and Social Inclusion, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Programme Management Officer, UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme)
NGO & Civil Society Liaison Officer, UNCCD Secretariat
Chapter Head, Green Hope Foundation India